Thursday, November 27, 2014

My Thanksgiving Thoughts

In my English class today, we were told to, in the mindset of thanksgiving, reflect on the goodness of God. I thought that, since I haven't written anything in a while due to my lack of time in the midst of studying, studying and more studying, it may be interesting to post my reflections.

Here goes.

What first comes to mind when I think about the goodness of God is the fact that we don't actually deserve any of it. Wait -- that may sound a little harsh. But let me explain.

One of the things that I find most unfathomable and amazing about God and His character is the fact that He, the Holy One, the creator and owner of everything in the universe, so full of love and purity, still created man, a being with free will, that chose to be evil rather than good.

And yet, God still loved us.

He still loved us to the point that He, even after having created us in His image, chose to send His only Son to become one of us and die the most horrible death, just to unite us once again with God.

I will never understand exactly why He did it.

But I know this much: It was because of His love -- the kind of love that we will never be able to show or feel to the extent that He does. He loves completely and perfectly, and it's so mind-blowing to me to think that He does! We are so undeserving. We deserve to be dead. We only exist because of the love and goodness and mercy of God. ...and not only do we live, but we also have the incredible opportunity to be in relationship with the God of the universe. It is only because of God's goodness that we, lowly and sinning humans, imperfect and full of laws, are allowed to speak to and be in relationship with the perfect, almighty God. What an honor!

There is nothing I can do to even begin to deserve it. It is God's goodness alone that allows me to live and serve Him.

I think that is the fact that makes me realize that having sin in the world or having to go through hard times doesn't mean that God is not good. Just because we feel pain sometimes doesn't mean that God hates us, or is trying to punish us, or has decided not to be good for a day or two. When we finally realize how undeserving we are to even live at all, any trial or pain will seem so trivial. No matter what we go through, God's goodness is still bigger than anything. And we are alive, after all, so that is a blessing in and of itself.

God is bigger and stronger than anything we will ever go through, and He has ultimate control -- so why worry? Why be anxious? The God of the universe, who has already proven His love to us in so many ways, is in control. The same God who loves everyone equally and unconditionally and unfathomably is in control -- so I'm sure we're going to be okay.

I know it's hard.

And I'm not saying that people should ignore hard times and pretend life is a piece of cake. What I'm saying is that because of the goodness of God, we're going to be just fine.

You're going to be just fine. This is my comfort, for you, today. Even if today is a good day, full of family and smiles and laughing and turkey and mashed potatoes. Hard times will come again, and you'll find yourself curled up on your bed with tears streaming down your face again. You'll have another day during which you feel like nothing is going your way and the entire world is against you. But I'm just saying... It really is going to be okay. God is good. He really is. He is bigger than what you're going through. He is bigger than difficult times. He loves you, and He's got it under control. So you are going to be just fine.

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