Then why do we have a problem really believing it?
We can say "I don't have a problem with who I am" and "I don't care what other people think". But no matter what, there's always a part of us that is constantly comparing ourselves to other people. We all have at least one thing we don't like about the way we look. It's normal, no matter how self-confident we may pretend to be. It's just that simple: It's very difficult to really believe we're beautiful.
The Importance of Another Opinion
Sometimes it helps when other people tell us we're pretty. We all love the feeling of being paid a compliment. The words "I love your hair" or "You have really pretty eyes" always make us feel better. It's the balsam to our insecurities. For that moment, we are more aware of the things that other people like about us. We feel proud to have characteristics that stand out to other people. For one moment, another person has acknowledged something about us that is praiseworthy and beautiful and unique. And it makes us feel good.
Then why is there always that doubt? Why does life always seem to steer us right back to where we started, looking in the mirror and shrugging. This is as good as it's going to get. There's no hope left for me. I'm not as pretty as her. I can try all I want, but I'm never going to be beautiful.
Why do we keep thinking those things, despite the "feel good" moments? Maybe it's the doubt the comes, subconsciously and quietly. Do they really think my hair is pretty? Or are they just saying that to make me like them? Or to make me feel better? Is their opinion really credible? Does their complimenting me really mean that I'm beautiful?
People's opinions matter. But we still seem to doubt their authenticity - and whether they're really liable reasons to believe ourselves to be really, truly beautiful.
The Rejected, "Divine" Opinion
There's a divine opinion out there that many people don't choose to believe. You know what I mean. It's God's opinion of us. And before you choose to close the browser and read something else, let me continue.
God's perspective may seem cliched in the world today, rejected because God himself is rejected. But think about it - God looks at every single person in the world, sees the good and bad, inside and out, and looks at you, and tells you you're beautiful. It's a pretty reliable opinion when you think about it. And yet, even Christians often don't find it a good enough reason to believe they're beautiful.
Other women don't believe the divine opinion because they don't believe in the divine. But if we Christians do believe in the divine, then what's stopping us from really believing His opinion? Honestly, nothing but Satan. He's the only one whispering "you're ugly" in our ears. And we're listening to him! We're listening to the one person the Bible clearly states is a liar, when we should be listening to the most credible and honest opinion in the Universe.
God's opinion is much more reliable than ours. And the media's. And Satan's. He sees the entire world, all of creation. He sees the inside and the outside of every person - the good and the bad. He doesn't compare us, loves us, and calls us beautiful.
If we Christian women aren't going to believe that, from the perspective of the One who sees everything and knows everything, what hope is there left for the women of today? If we begin really choosing to believe that our beauty is authentic, chains will be broken. Lives will be transformed. And those who don't believe in our God will see what a difference it makes in our lives to really, truly believe oneself to be beautiful. For real.